Been fighting off what is hopefully just a sinus infection for the past couple of days. I feel wiped out, it's hard to focus/think about stuff. Was able to take a nap saturday, which is how I know I'm sick. Usually naps are impossible.

Been trying to treat myself well. Eat enough. It's not a good time to be sick.

Really hope it's not covid :(

Update: 2/11/22

Think I might finally be feeling better :)

If this was covid, it was thankfully very mild. If this was a sinus infection, food, rest, and guaifenesin kept it from getting too bad. I'm just... anxious about getting sick right now, I guess

Update: 2/16/22

I forgot to actually update this on the 11th... I wound up becoming pretty depressed right after I was sick, but I seem to be better now.